On June 24th, we hosted our first Apps Script hackathon at Google's NYC office. During the course of the day, we walked through a script to
automate a help desk workflow, invited members of the engineering and product teams up on stage to answer questions, and worked directly with attendees to help them with their scripts. At the end of the event, we enjoyed some great demos including a custom spreadsheet function written by the youngest developer at the hackathon - 9 years old!
Thanks to everyone who attended and helped make the event a success. We're looking into holding another hackathon in the fall on the west coast, and we hope to see even more of you then. Stay tuned for more details!
Posted by: Jan Kleinert, Google Developer Relations
Sounds cool. As a previous MS Office desktop scripts developer I am super excited that Google has implemented this functionality into Google Docs. I have developed various automated applications for my small business clients. (www.livefornowstudios.com) If you have a hackathon in Seattle please let me know.